Week 12 Post

My 12th week was baller. First we hung up our waste manage meant posters. (Mine is bottom left) Then I came in second place in a kahoot. Now 2cd doesn’t get a prize. So I was pretty much the FIRST LOSER. Last I avenged my self and won my 5th or 6th kahoot. That’s how roll at RHES.

P.S. the way to unlock my secret message is to highlight itFile Oct 27, 9 08 14 AM

My 11th Week of School

My 11th Week of School was awesome. First we made commercials for our hunted house. Then we raised 800 dollars at our hunted house for kids in poverty. Last I finally was relieved from my safety post witch was boring. That is what happened on my 11th week.IMG_4190

My Sary Story

The Dark Woods

By: JKPhoto on 10-21-15 at 2.04 PM

I was sprinting to Wells’ house. My feet ached from running on the hard pavement. I knew all the food would be gone when I got there, but I still ran any way just in  case. When I finally got there, people stared to fan out. I found a group of boy that where about my age. They where talk about action figures or something, but I was more interested in find Wells.

When I finally found him and some neighborhood friends like Jonna, Dane, and Billy Joe. It was staring to get dark. Then after we had a long debate about if we should cross Northshore  we end up  decided not to then we moved out. Our sacks where most of the way full and we had hit most of the houses in the neighborhood. Then we decide to cut across Northshore to get the king sized candy bars from the mansions on the other side of the woods.


When we got partly into the woods Billy Joe said, “I think I heard something in the brush.” “If you’re going to be a baby you can turn around,” Jonna smirked. “Jonna you are as slow as a snail how about you turn around,” Dane replied. I almost scream, “SHUT UP!” “Gee man we are sorry,” whispered Jonna. Wells said, “He said to shut up.” Then he said, “I heard it too.” Before they could say what I screamed, “RUUUNNNNN!” After about 20 seconds we heard Jonna scream. We hesitated only for a second to remember our best friend. Then Dane stared to show-off and pulled ahead of everyone. CRACK!!! “There goes his spine,” I said. Before Billy Joe could respond he was caulk in a bear trap.

We ran Wells and I had ran forever. Then we found a giant tree, and scurried up it. When we were up it Wells asked, “Why was there a bear trap.” “I Think someone is trying to catch the werewolf pack that killed Jonna,” I replied. WeTHOUGHT we had  weighted long enough. So we hopped down and we thought we were walking home. But we were walking deeper into the woods. Wells broke the silence and asked, “Shouldn’t  we have been able to hear the cars by now.”  I replied,”I think were lost.” Then we heard a voice as deep as the  Pacific Ocean, and as strong as an ox. But as kind as an old friend say, “Come with me.” We ran and ran then I felt something prick into my back. Then it all went dark.

When I woke up I was in a tent with Wells I saw some one out side. So I woke up Wells. Then we heard it. That voice… Then we saw a kind young face. He said, “Hello my name is James. James the werewolf hunter.” We let that sink in and then realized what we had gotten into. Then I said, “All right how are we going to save our lives.” “Weight,” James replied. Wells said, “No, Where fighting” “Ok,” said James, “I’ve got some spare crossbows and knives.”  Wants we were armed to are teeth we head out.

We ran into two werewolves on are way to their den. James took them out easily. When we got there we were surrounded by wolves and werewolves. Then a human came out of the darkness. “My name is fang, the leader of this pack,” he said with his hand above his head. With out warning James Killed him. Then he was attacked by the whole pack he killed most of them before they surrendered. But in the process, he was biten in the arm. Before he went completly phisco and turned into a werewolf he howled, “RUUUNNNN” You din’t have to tell us twice. Wells and I ran all the way home with werewolves in hot pursuit.

When we got home Wells and I couldn’t forget about James. I couldn’t sleep that night I kept thinking about James On full moons we would hear howls. James howls and that asured us we would see our friend agin.